Honey Mama’s changes the status quo for indulgence. We move beyondthe “avoidance of bad” with a recipe for everyday indulgence thatcontributes to health and vitality.
The texture of our bars is like that of brownie batter, chocolate truffles,fudge – the real treat is learning they’re made with organic whole foodsnaturally free from refined sugar, dairy, gluten, and soy.
Raw honey, the queen of natural sweeteners.
Prized for its healing properties for thousands of years, we adoreeverything about this amazing food.
However, the roots of our name run deeper than the celebration of honeyas an ingredient.
Honey Mama’s name is a persona of an empowered nurturer. It waschosen by our founder as a nod to the tongue and cheek vernacular of hersouthern roots and the long line of nurturing, fun, and amazing cooks shegrew up with that not only shaped her love of food but her zest for life.
Original Dutch, Coconut, Tahini Tangerine, Coffee Nib Crunch, OregonMint, Peruvian Raw, Spicy Dark, Lavender Rose, Ginger Cardamom, CherryHazelnut